Zion Gassner

Mathematics/Economics + Spanish Student at UCLA



Education Status

Bachelors Degree

Linked In


Education #1

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Bachelors Degree - Mathematics/Economics, Spanish Major

September 2020Still Attending in Los Angeles, CA

See resume for more details. Double-majoring in Mathematics/Economics and Spanish. GPA: 3.98. Vice President of Spanish Club, Associate of the Undergraduate Economics Society, have worked as a research assistant and currently concluding my own independent research project.

Experience #1

Research Assistant

UCLA Department of Public Affairs

October 2021 - June 2022 |

~ 10 Hours

Researching Life, Physical, and Social Science | Government and Politics

• Managed 1500+ cell Excel spreadsheet of municipal election and police department data for economics professor-led research project on crime. • Collected information on local elections, police department structure, and law enforcement methods through online sources and phone calls. • Prepared extensive written resources and slideshows to train newer research assistants, presented results in weekly meetings.

Experience #2


Chrysalis Center

January 2023 - April 2023 |

< 10 Hours

Human Resources | Professional Services

• Crafted 15 professional resumes for and conducted more than 20 practice job interviews in Spanish for low-income residents of Los Angeles. • Scripted, presented, and recorded 45-minute module in Spanish on the use of cell phones on professional environments. Currently finalizing research project to evaluate efficacy.

Extracurricular #1

Spanish Club at UCLA

Vice President

September 2022 - December 2024 |

< 10 Hours

• Coordinates with Spanish Department and other student organizations to initiate recruitment drive; saw attendance double. • Leads weekly conversation-based meetings with students of various levels. Organizes social media matters and communicates with students, staff, and professors. Attends board meetings.

Extracurricular #2

Undergraduate Economics Society


August 2021 - December 2024 |

< 10 Hours

• Carried out a comprehensive literature review of 20 sources in behavioral economics research to analyze efficacy of state vaccine lottery programs. • Concluded that outcomes will vary depending on structure of incentives given by governments, relying on synthetic control models. • Published 2800-word summary of results in student-run journal (https://bruineconjournal.squarespace.com/articles/a-jab-in-the-right-direction-lottery-tickets-as-behavioral-incentives) • Analyzed a variety of papers employing different econometric models such as difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, and instrumental variables analysis.

Award #1

Dean's Honors List


Received on 7 occasions for quarters in which a student receives a GPA higher than 3.75.
