Martin Ha

Young and ambitious student who strives to learn the most




Los Angeles, CA

Education Status

Bachelors Degree

Linked In

Education #1

"California State University, Northridge "

Bachelors Degree - Computer Science Major

August 2021Still Attending in Northridge, CA

- Our initial 2-month project at CSUN ASME was awarded $1.5k in funds to build a prototype electro-adhesion CubeSat. - Project manage CSUN legacy events as part of the CSUN Fall 2022 Initiatives, resulting in a 91% turnout rate for clubs and organizations.

Certificate #1

Elastic Beginner's Crash Course Challenge - Level 1


5 - 10 Hours | Incomplete


This certificate is awarded to students that demonstrate foundational understanding of architecture of Elasticsearch, relevance of search, full-text search, aggregations, mapping, and troubleshooting errors with Elasticsearch.

Experience #1

Student Assistant I

CSUN Matador Involvement Center

May 2022 - November 2022 |

~ 20 Hours

Office and Administrative Support | Other

As a student assistant at the CSUN Matador Involvement Center, I was tasked with preparing, organizing, maintaining, and checking data records for all registered CSUN clubs and organizations. I also assisted with a variety of clerical needs such as filing, copying, and answering phone calls. While these descriptions were the everyday work of my position, I was also in charge or planning and managing upcoming CSUN legacy events, such as Block Party and Meet the Clubs Fall 2022. I talked and negotiated with a variety of vendors in order to ensure a smooth and successful delivery of the events while keeping in mind of budge constraints and deadlines. I also developed seating, check-in/out, and registrations plans for said events.

Experience #2

Programming Instructor


May 2023 - May 2023 |

< 10 Hours

Teaching and Training | Educational Services

As a programming instructor, I am in charge of instructing K-12 students in coding and robotics in both an in-person and online environment. I aim to maintain a conducive and fun classroom environment to optimize learning outcomes. Other duties include monitoring student progress, delivering constructive feedback and support to meet objectives and outcomes.

Extracurricular #1

CSUN Vietnamese Student Association


October 2022 - January 2023 |

< 10 Hours

An associate/intern position is given to individuals within the club that demonstrate capable leadership skills and are tasked in aiding club board members run the club efficiently. I created numerous financial plans/ideas for the club as my prior job within the Matador Involvement Center required me to be knowledgeable about all aspects regarding club life at CSUN, be it marketing, finance, etc. One of the biggest successes was a fundraiser at a cultural festival in which our club raised over $1k in funds when we actually expected a goal of roughly $100-200 in profit. I worked alongside individuals responsible for in-person marketing, such as posting flyers, banners, and tabling. Ultimately, our club has since doubled in size compared to the prior semester of Fall 2022.

Extracurricular #2

ASLN x GDC Game Jam

Lead Game Programmer

April 2023 - July 2023 |

~ 10 Hours

Currently designing and programming a frog-themed first person shooter on Unity as part of the CSUN Game Development Club.

Award #1

AP Scholars with Honors


Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.

Award #2

Graduation with Honors


High school seniors who have demonstrated exceptional academic excellence and commitment throughout their educational journey. Reserved for those with a remarkable GPA of 3.5 or higher.

