Diamond Bar, CA
Education Status
Bachelors Degree
Linked In
Education #1
"University of California, Riverside "
Bachelors Degree - Business Administration Major
September 2021Still Attending in Riverside, CA
Experience #1
Young Kim Congressional Campaign
Young Kim
June 2020 - November 2020 |
~ 10 Hours
Other | Government and Politics
- Trained newcomers in making phone calls, proper call etiquette, and how to handle di cult callers/situations. - Conducted over 35,000 calls during phone banking; began with surveys and transitioned to persuasion calls. - Onboarded new interns, got dozens of people to register to vote, and learned about the legislative process.
Extracurricular #1
Vietnamese Student Association
Social Chair
May 2022 - May 2023 |
~ 10 Hours
- Execute new Spring Formal event, book yacht, find catering, manage all VSA staff, and arrange activities/raffle. - Direct Social Retreats for 100+ members, including rental booking, activities planning, and driver allocation. - Plan all fundraisers for Welcome Week, general meetings, and club events, which raised $2500+ in a year.
Extracurricular #2
Vietnamese Student Association
Modern Dance Coordinator
January 2023 - May 2023 |
~ 10 Hours
- Lead 10+ hours of practice per week to teach, perfect, and clean routines while uplifting/supporting dancers. - Choreograph hip hop routines for a team in our annual Vietnamese Culture Night production for 600 people. - Work with directors/choreographers to incorporate dances into the theme and ensure a smooth performance.
Extracurricular #3
Vietnamese Student Association
November 2021 - May 2022 |
< 10 Hours
- Collaborated with my class of 15 to carry out event planning and organize sta f-intern social and club events. - Assisted executive board and general staff to learn about their positions, duties, and weekly responsibilities. - Produced flyers, info graphics, bingo cards, and drafted emails for the board, staff, and general members.
Extracurricular #4
Highlander Business Society
Intern Vice President
January 2022 - March 2022 |
~ 20 Hours
- Supported my class of 15 and other executive members with responsibilities, event planning, and organization. - Aided the class president in their duties, took over when they were unavailable, and enforced accountability. - Provided general advice and constantly checked in on my class to o fer any help and support when needed.
Extracurricular #5
Highlander Business Society
Vice President of Internal Affairs
June 2023 - December 2023 |
~ 10 Hours
- Organize all internal bonding activities for active members to foster connections and community. - Facilitate Summer and Fall Retreats, including rental booking, activities, cooking, and driver allocation. - Maintain alumni relations and keep the alumni updated on any news or events.