
First Year on Clever: A Summary and A Thank You


Guided Compass joined the Clever App Library in July 2021. About 6-12th grade educators around the country used Guided Compass during this first school year, so far. We’d like to say thank you to each and every one of those educators that used our platform to help direct their students.

As we near the end of our first year, we wanted to share what we’ve done and what we’re planning to do. Please note that Guided Compass will continue to provide a free version of the platform for you and your students through Clever. Our goal is to positively reach as many students as possible and be a lifelong resource for them; so please review our app on Clever so that we can reach more students! If there’s a way that we can help educators or if there’s something we’re missing, please email creighton@guidedcompass.com to schedule a call.

What we’ve done:

  • Fixed student-teacher matching issues, and other general bugs.
  • Enhanced SMART goals functionality, allowing students to add strategies and tactics.
  • Added SMART goals tab in educator portal so that teachers and counselors can provide feedback and resources in bulk.
  • Added learning modules, so that teachers and counselors can assign self-contained lessons and quizzes.
  • Expanded and improved help articles that act as comprehensive “How to” guides.
  • Added the ability for educators to create custom CTE pathways, to attach students and opportunities.
  • Integrated with additional employer and workforce systems to automatically distribute event, project, and work opportunities.
  • Added Parent Release Form to transfer student account to personal account upon graduation, so that students keep progress and continue to receive opportunities. We do not charge career-seekers for maintaining their personal accounts (think LinkedIn).

    What we’re planning to do in the next year:

    • Engage in conversations with middle school and high school teachers on how we can better help them and their students; customize accordingly.
    • Further help schools build and engage their alumni community to source work referrals, internships, projects, and guest speakers.
    • Distribute work-based learning opportunities we source to your portals.
    • Successfully implement more structured mentorship programs.
    • Raise a multi-million dollar round of capital to better serve you and your students

    About Guided Compass

    Guided Compass is a black-owned, lifelong, personalized career advising and recruiting assistant. The platform helps career-seekers onboard into fulfilling careers by empowering them and their educators/advisors with a supportive community, labor market intelligence, educational opportunities, and work opportunities. We’re working to solve a fragmented workforce development system, helping career-seekers from career exploration in middle school to excelling in full-time work as an adult. Guided Compass is free through Clever. The Guided Compass Team can provide custom support, help build a dedicated communities of students/alumni, help design career pathways, and help place students into projects/internships for $24/student/year. Steep discounts are available based on the number of students.